Wednesday, December 19, 2007

what we've been up to

Two weeks after the birth of James we had to evacuate our home in the middle of the night from one of the many San Diego fires. Mike was out of town and luckily my mother in law was with me and able to help. We evacuated to our church building. Later that day my mother in law flew back to Utah and I went up to Riverside and stayed with my parents until Mike returned home and things were safe. This photo is a view of the smoke from our church building.

Mike was out of town because he was setting up for his show at Plus Gallery in Denver, CO. Here he is on opening night and a view of the whole show.

James's first bath. He loved it. As soon as he got in the warm water he peed strait up in the air. His brothers thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen.

James's first smiles. William can't get enough of holding him.
Nate's first lost tooth. It was very loose and the new tooth was already coming through so Mike tied floss around it to pull it out, only it still wouldn't budge and the floss was stuck on the tooth. He called Uncle Ben (dentist) who advised us to grab it with a tissue, twist, and pull. It came right out with the floss still stuck tight.

Halloween. Andrew was a ghost, Nate a vampire, and Will a ninja.

Andrew won first place in his first raingutter regatta. He built a catamaran and named it carrot sticks.

We spent the week of Thanksgiving in Utah. The first half with my family, the second with Mike's. It was a great week!

The boys are adjusting well to the new baby. Andrew is very good at holding and rocking the baby to sleep and also cooking meals (cheese quesadillas are his specialty) for the family when I have to nurse. Nate and Will also love to help. What good big brothers to read to James while I make dinner.

"We saw Santa in his little house wearing his pajama shirt." --William

And what have I been up to? Nursing the baby mostly and taking care of all of my men!